
Fear of missing out good ANIME ?

FOMO syndrome among new Anime Fans

Whenever you scavenge the whole internet for the anime to watch for first time, you would be bombarded with the sassy titles10 best Shonen anime to watch before you die”, “ top 3 anime arcs of all time”, “ if you haven’t watched this , you are missing the best anime of your life” , so on

Now that displeases the new sprouts of anime fans, either way they might be confused and never appreciate any good anime or stay away from vast complexities of the anime realm.

(Anime Arc: A story arc is an extended or continuing storyline in narrative media such as television, comic books, comic strips, board games, video games, and films. The story would unfold over many episodes on the television program.)

Having FOMO as a new Anime Fan?

Recently “One-Piece” had completed its 1000th episode on Nov 20,2021. For Anime and its production house itself it is a great achievement to earn this milestone for continuously delivering entertaining arc stories to millions of die-hard fans. Subsequent to this, other fan favourite anime like Naruto Shippuden, Bleach, Dragon ball Z etc. also have completed their longest arcs of their episodes and it is evident that their memes and reels are still catching more eyeballs and nowhere it seems to have been slowing down its popularity. Based on such popularity and backing due to social media, This is the reason why more and more new people are diving into the anime world.

Now think of the fans who just joined this holy realm of anime word? There will be mammoth hours of content to watch and lots of references and a lot of stories to catch on (if any) to be relevant in the growing pools of fans. Some may take up the challenge to watch these long anime series as content for their YouTube/Twitch channels but, others may find it cumbersome. 

So if you are one of those who are about to or have dipped a few toes in this realm, some of the tips that are going to be shared here that might ease the process of understanding and appreciate this world and believe it not you won’t regret it.

  1. It is okay to let it go

Past is the past and you can’t do anything. Most of the great shows are about to bid adieu in the upcoming years or might have ended their production. So if you want you can enjoy those anime from some of available third party sites that still broadcast or if you want a peace of mind just ignore, but we can’t ignore that totally because you will be consuming those short content in social media and thinking of  “How stupid I feel ”, but rest assured  letting it go will help you appreciating new stories offered by the anime world as that appreciation will come directly from the firsthand experience, not by some perception developed from XYZ shows.

  1. You are not alone.

Millions of Fans around the globe are fans of anime and this number has grown exponentially during 2020-2021 (believed due to lockdown and access of streaming platforms). So if you are in love with any of the anime arcs, we are 100% sure that you will find at least one person similar who likes the same. To understand the fact that there are a lot of genres of anime consisting of comedy, drama, horror, Sci-Fi, robots, fantasy etc. you name any. That’s why we call it a realm of inspirations-imaginations-emotions.

Check here to know about the genre of Anime and find the best for you.

  1. Sometimes it is okay to have one.

Better to stick with one show rather than tussle between 10 shows simultaneously. FInd one show that itself will hook you up as a new viewer ( obviously go for the highest rated of any genre of anime) and it is highly recommended to stick with one show and then hop to the next one.

 It is completely up to you whether to binge or not to binge to cover up multiple shows.

  1. Don’t try to compete with the alpha fans/trends/even with your weeb friends.

As I said earlier it is better to let it go, but in the day and age of active social media, it is very difficult to be under the rock( literally !!! ) . hardcore fans, creators , social media trends all will be there pushing your brain neurons to believe that you are missing that  dopamine and unfortunately,  not instead of enjoying , it becomes the race or competition to keep up with trends and every one knows trends are for today not tomorrow, so eventually you get nothing but loose yourself for not enjoying the fullest.

  5. Give yourself a cool down between shows.

This is advice for those who love to binge watch 30 – 40 hours of shows in a day ( however math is not relevant here ☺). Give a cool down period to absorb within the anime and better to share with fellow mates, grind a little bit those the ups and downs and appreciate having a good time before hopping to another one. Rest assured later.

Well that is the way that might help in kick starting anyone’s journey to the realm of anime. it is always to remember that trends change, fans change, emotions change but love of something that you truly appreciate never changes. 

Cheers to the new Anime Fans !!!!

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